Aidan studied Zoology at Cambridge in the UK worked there as a research assistant. He then moved to Heidelberg, Germany, for his PhD in computational biology at EMBL. After working in publishing for a year, Aidan returned to EMBL for ten years, working on research, training, and community building. He then worked remotely for the Earlham Institute in the UK for several years, including several years as the ELIXIR-UK Node Coordinator, before starting with EMBO Solutions in 2020.
Aidan started planning and running courses during his PhD, teaching and organising many more after his return to EMBL. In that time, he became more interested in how we organise and collaborate in science. Correspondingly, his work moved to focus more on people skills associated with delivering, facilitating, and leading inclusive successful fulfilling research. This makes his interests and skills a great fit for his work at EMBO Solutions.
Aidan loves spending time with his partner, his dog, his cat, his friends and family, sleeping, eating, playing games, and painting.