Self-Leadership for Women Scientists

How self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy can help you to achieve your goals

Who this Course is for

This professional development course focuses on self-leadership – a process that helps individuals understand themselves and their goals better, leading to improved decision-making and communication in both personal and professional spheres. While the principles of self-leadership are valuable for all scientists, this program is specifically designed for women in senior postdoc and group leader positions, acknowledging the unique challenges they face in leadership roles. The course aims to provide targeted support, tools, and advice to help women scientists navigate their leadership responsibilities and maximise their potential.

Style of this Course

The workshop consists of two and a half days:

  • Daily: 9:00 -17:30 (CET/ CEST)
  • Last day: 9:00 -12:30 (CET/ CEST)

The format of the workshop is highly interactive and practical. It involves case studies, role play, group work and discussion sessions. You will be actively involved in the course, discussing your own life and leadership experiences and self-reflecting in a guided process. You will be taught leadership and self-focused techniques that can be readily used in daily life to enhance your leadership, success and satisfaction.


What you will learn

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Day 1 Strengthening self-awareness

The session begins with a welcome and frame-setting, followed by an exploration of the three pillars of self. You will focus on strengthening your self-awareness by gaining clarity about your personality, values, and communication style, recognizing your competencies and skills, and understanding emotions and how to work with them. You will then explore different personalities and their impact on interpersonal communication, reflect on the significance of effective communication, and examine the various roles you play in your personal and professional life.

Topics Covered

Self-awareness| Communication | Emotional intelligence| Personal growth


Day 2 Strengthening self-confidence

The session focuses on strengthening self-confidence by fostering belief in yourself, learning to act rather than react to emotions, building on your achievements, and identifying ways to improve your self-confidence. In the afternoon, the focus shifts to enhancing self-efficacy, helping you clarify your next steps toward your goals, manage stress and pressure, maintain work-life balance, and leverage the power of positive feedback.

Topics Covered

Self-confidence | Stress management | Feedback | Work-life balance

Day 3 Strategies, case studies, coaching

The session explores strategies, case studies, and coaching to deepen your understanding of biases and stereotypes, examine how your self-leadership impacts your leadership, and engage with case studies shared by participants.

Topics Covered

Bias | Coaching | Delegation | Personal growth

Self-Leadership for Scientists

Live Online Training

Explore your leadership in a dynamic digital setting

€ 1,990 excl. VAT
What’s included
  • Two and a half days of training
  • Course Materials
  • Dynamic digital experience

In Person

2.5 days in Germany that will change your life!

€ 2,390 incl. VAT
What´s included
  • Two and a half days of training
  • 3 nights of accommodation
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Course Materials

Dates & Locations

10–12 September 2025
Leimen, Germany

Our Training Team – Empowering Leaders in Science

Melissa Davies is one of our associated expert trainers. She has over 30 years of experience in negotiation, partnership building, and conflict management.

She and her training team specialises in areas such as organisational development, self-leadership, capacity building, and project management. They ensure that each course is dynamic, practical, and tailored to equip participants with the skills and tools needed to thrive as leaders in the life sciences.

For each course, we provide two trainers to balance their expertise and diversity to ensure that you receive the widest range of expertise, experience and insight possible from your training team.

After taking this course, I am well equipped to lead my research team. I am a better supervisor, capable of delegating tasks, solving conflicts, and managing my employees.

Anna Starnawska | Assistant Professor

Aarhus University

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