Organise a course at your institute

We can come to you! We provide the expert training and you provide the venue and participants. This format creates supportive, productive relationships between your researchers. Read more about this option below, or inquire about booking any of our courses using our contact form.

Courses that Can be Run Locally

EMBO Lab Leadership for Group Leaders

Leadership, management, and communication skills that build on your research skills and empower you to enhance your team's creativity, endeavour, well-being, and research.
Course info

EMBO Lab Leadership for Postdocs

Leadership and communication training that will support you to supervise students, work effectively with the head of your lab, and prepare for your own transition into running a team.
Course info

Project Management for Scientists

Learn to plan and organise your research work efficiently, keep your experiments on track, and achieve high-quality research results on time and within budget.
Course info

Foundations in Scientific Integrity

Understand the values and principles that underscore research integrity, update yourself on best research practices, and build transparency, reproducibility, and integrity into the heart of your research.
Course info

Writing Papers & Giving Presentations

Learn to conceptualise a paper from experimental design to publication, to highlight the impact of your research, and to adapt your message for different audiences.
Course info

Design Principles for Schematic Figures

Enhance your impact – use design principles to create compelling, clear schematic figures to communicate your research to a variety of audiences.
Course info

Peer-reviewing research articles

Improve your skills and contribute to research by becoming a thoughtful, constructive peer reviewer.
Course info

EMBO Lab Leadership arranges

  • Course materials
  • Certificates of participation
  • Trainers for the course

Local institute 

  • Venue & Catering
  • Accommodation for trainers and for 
participants (if needed)
  • Selection of participants

Get in touch to book a course

    [if topic_value "Organise a course at your institute"]
    Lab Leadership for Group LeadersLab Leadership for PostdocsProject ManagementScientific IntegrityWriting Papers & Giving PresentationsDesign PrinciplesPeer Review

    We found EMBO Lab Leadership to be a friendly, helpful and professional company to deal with.  They were able to quickly organise an online training session for our Early Career Researchers that was very well received and we plan on organising further training sessions in the coming year.

    Network for Early Researcher Development | College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences

    University of Glasgow

    Over 100 of Sanger’s Postdocs and other Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have participated in the EMBO Lab Leadership Course for Postdocs , which we have been holding regularly on our Campus since 2020. Transitioning to leadership can be a daunting time, but our Postdocs consistently report the Course as critical preparation. They frequently praise the knowledge, skill and talent of the facilitators in creating a safe, open and fun learning environment where real-life challenges are addressed. This collaborative culture extends far beyond the Course; ongoing peer support empowers our Postdocs to apply their new found leadership skills, meaning we at the Wellcome Sanger Institute benefit from the Course as much as our Postdocs and their future employers.

    Diane Swallow | Postdoc Programme Lead

    Wellcome Sanger Institute

    We have established a strong and effective relationship with the EMBO Team through the delivery of their Laboratory Leadership for Group Leaders Programme on Liverpool’s campus over the past six years. Their willingness to incorporate feedback and integrate Liverpool’s policies and values into the programme has made it more relatable, enabling participants to apply these principles within their own groups. The programme has been very well received, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration.

    Tina Lewis | Health and Life Sciences Research

    University of Liverpool

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